Beloved siblings in the Craft, we gather beneath the vast embrace of the cosmos, where the moon waxes and wanes and the elements dance in sacred balance. Ours is a path of deep wisdom, of quiet knowing, and of profound interconnectedness with the divine in all things. Yet even amidst the unity of this sacred circle, challenges arise. Today, we address one such challenge: gatekeeping within our Wiccan and Pagan communities.
What Is Gatekeeping?
Gatekeeping manifests when individuals or groups take it upon themselves to define who belongs, who practices “correctly,” and who is deemed worthy of walking this path. It may be expressed through judgment, exclusion, or the devaluation of those whose experiences, practices, or identities differ from the perceived norm.
While it is true that Wicca has traditions, rites, and teachings that form its foundation, we must recognize that ours is also a living, evolving path. It grows as the sacred grows, and it adapts as humanity changes. Gatekeeping, therefore, not only stifles this growth but also harms the very principles of unity, balance, and respect that our faith upholds.
A Reflection on Sacred Diversity
The divine manifests in myriad ways. Just as no two leaves on a tree are identical, so too are no two practitioners of the Craft. Our diversity of thought, background, practice, and belief is not a weakness but a profound strength.
Consider the elements: earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. Each is essential to the harmony of life, yet each is distinct. Earth is grounding and nurturing, air is freedom and inspiration, fire is passion and transformation, and water is intuition and emotion. Spirit, the unifying essence, binds them together without diminishing their individuality. So too should we embrace the diverse expressions of our spiritual siblings, knowing that the circle is enriched by the contributions of many perspectives.
When we gatekeep, we reject the lessons of the elements. We deny the wisdom of air’s freedom, the transformative power of fire, and the inclusivity of spirit. Instead of expanding the circle, we shrink it, losing opportunities to learn and grow alongside those who are different from us.
The Roots of Gatekeeping
Gatekeeping often arises from fear. Fear of change, fear of losing tradition, fear of being misunderstood or misrepresented. These fears are valid; our path has long been misunderstood and sometimes maligned by the broader world. But when we act out of fear, we create walls where there should be bridges.
Some gatekeepers act out of a desire to protect the integrity of Wicca. They may worry about cultural appropriation, misinformation, or shallow engagement with the Craft. While these concerns are important, they must be addressed with education and compassion, not exclusion or judgment. A circle cast in fear becomes a cage, and a cage cannot nurture the soul.
The Wiccan Rede and Gatekeeping
The Wiccan Rede teaches us, “An it harm none, do what ye will.” Gatekeeping often causes harm. It wounds those who are new to the path, seeking guidance and community. It alienates those whose identities—be they cultural, racial, gendered, or otherwise—do not conform to the majority. It creates division where there should be connection.
If our actions cause harm, we must ask ourselves: Are we truly living in accordance with the Rede? Are we casting a circle of love, wisdom, and understanding, or are we drawing a line in the sand that excludes those we do not understand?
Sacred Invitation: Opening the Circle
The antidote to gatekeeping is radical inclusivity. To open our circles and our hearts, we must approach one another with humility and curiosity. Here are ways we can cultivate this spirit in our communities:
Practice Active Listening
When someone shares their experiences or beliefs, listen without judgment. Seek to understand, not to correct.Educate with Compassion
If you encounter misinformation, offer correction gently and with love. Remember that all of us were beginners once.Celebrate Differences
Diversity strengthens the circle. Learn from those whose practices or perspectives differ from your own. Seek common ground while honoring individuality.Examine Your Intentions
Before questioning someone’s practice or beliefs, ask yourself: Am I acting out of fear or ego? Or am I seeking to uplift and connect?Create Safe Spaces
Ensure that your coven or community is welcoming to all, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or cultural background. The divine speaks through all voices.
The Consequences of Gatekeeping
Let us remember that the divine is infinite. To claim that there is only one way to connect with it is to impose human limitations on what is limitless. Gatekeeping robs us of opportunities to grow, learn, and experience the divine in new ways. It isolates us from potential allies and siblings in the Craft.
Furthermore, gatekeeping tarnishes our reputation in the broader spiritual community. If we wish to be seen as a path of wisdom, compassion, and integrity, we must embody those qualities in how we treat one another.
Closing Thoughts: Recasting the Circle
Beloved ones, the circle is both a boundary and a bond. It holds sacred space while inviting all who are willing to join in reverence and love. When we gatekeep, we turn the circle into a wall. But when we welcome, educate, and uplift, the circle becomes a living expression of divine harmony.
As we leave this sacred gathering, let us commit to breaking the cycle of gatekeeping. Let us walk forward with open hearts, ready to embrace the wisdom and beauty of all who seek the light of the divine. Let us remember that the Craft belongs to no one, and yet to everyone who honors its truths.
May we be as the earth: steadfast and welcoming.
May we be as the air: free and open.
May we be as the fire: passionate and transformative.
May we be as the water: flowing and adaptive.
And may we be as spirit: united in love and purpose.
Blessed be.